

Mineral-insulated constant wattage heating cables with outer sheath Inconel 600 (2.4816) are used for applications up to a maximum of 1000°C. Depending on the temperature of its application, the heating cable can be loaded with an output of more than 150W per meter.
This heating cable stands for a robust design and can be applied at the highest temperatures and in a humid environment. The inner cable is thread into insulation tubes of magnesium oxide (MgO, >96%) and subsequently implemented in a corresponding casing tube made from nickel alloy 2.4816. The raw heating cables achieve the required outer diameters by drawing and annealing, whereby they also gain their high strength and durability. As for all constant wattage heating cables, the application of adequate measurement and control technologies is highly recommended. Design, materials and technical data can be found in the data sheet of this heating cable.


Quartz-insulated constant wattage heating cables are used for applications up to a maximum of 900°C. Depending on the temperature of its application, the heating cable can be loaded with an output power of more than 150W per meter. This highly flexible heating cable can realize high output in combination with high ambient temperatures in a dry environment. The insulating outer sheath consists of quartz fibres which give the heating cable its characteristics. As for all constant wattage heating cables, the application of adequate measurement and control technologies is highly recommended. If you have any questions, our technical employees will be with pleasure at your disposal.